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01 Fáilte - Welcome to the Irish TeachMeet wiki

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on September 22, 2022 at 2:01:33 pm

TeachMeet began in Edinburgh Scotland in 2006, after edubloggers Ewan McIntosh, John Johnston, and David Noble had arranged to meet and share tech-in-ed ideas. The idea spread quickly, becoming a popular unconference adjunct to large formal conferences in particular the Scottish Learning Festival and BETT. It is now a global phenomenon, one of a growing number of participatory professional learning models. TeachMeet came to Ireland in 2009 as an unconference prequel to the annual conference of CESI, the Computers in Education Society of Ireland. By April 2021, there have been over 200 Irish TeachMeets across the island, some standalone and some attached to formal conferences.


Welcome to the (new*) TeachMeet wiki for Ireland

* The previous wiki space, created by John Heffernan of www.cesi.ie in 2009, was closed by the host on July 31 2018. As much data as possible was archived and can be found in the Original Wiki Archive Data folder.


All participants in the TeachMeet community in Ireland are welcome to grab a space here and use it to share their TeachMeet information. Join the wiki, make a page and folder for your event, add yourself to the list of organisers in Ireland. After your TeachMeet, add summary details to the list of TeachMeet events in Ireland. 



Forthcoming TeachMeets in Ireland 

02 Irish TeachMeets calendar    





  • January 20th 1pm Lunchtime Student TeachMeet at Presentation College Wexford Details 
  • January 29th 9am The Winter NeariMeet takes place online Details and Registration


  • February 1st 7pm TeachMeet online for Business Studies Teachers Association Of Ireland Details
  • February 22nd 8pm-9:30pm TeachMeet Tipperary ETB Details   It is also International Digital Learning Day!


  • April 2nd 10am The Spring NeariMeet for Action Research Details
  • April 26th 7pm Online PostPrimary TeachMeet by ELSTA Details 
  • April 27th 7pm Online Primary TeachMeet by ELSTA Details


  • May 5th 7pm English Meet at St Columba's College Dublin Details
  • May 16th Staff TeachMeet in Rathcoole N.S. Details


  • June 1st Drogheda Institute Of Further Education Regional TeachMeet Details




  • Septemebr 24th 11am Grace Park Educate Together National School Dublin Details 


  • October 1st 13.30 pm Feilte StudentMeet (Teaching Council), The Helix, Dublin Details on p.14 of programme document
  • October 1st 13.30 pm Feilte LeadershipMeet (Teaching Council), The Helix, Dublin Details on p.14 of programme document
  • October 1st 14.45 pm Feilte TeachMeet (Teaching Council), The Helix, Dublin Details on p.15 of programme document 
  • October 3rd 7pm In-person AND 'zoom' TeachMeet BBCBlackstaff House Belfast on the theme of Education and Innovation - Using Tech to Teach Details
  • October 4th 7.30pm ONLINE TeachMeet hosted by BBC Learning on the theme of The Joy OF Teaching Details
  • October 5th 7.30pm ONLINE TeachMeet hosted by BBC Learning on the theme of The Big Ideas - How New Thinking Is shaping Education In Northern Ireland Details 



So what is a TeachMeet?

For a lightning guide, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeachMeet

For a direct 'does exactly what it says on the tin' explanation of TeachMeet, watch Dughall McCormick's piece to camera below,

 or John Johnston's crowdsourced (made in 2012 but still very current) video about The Impact of TeachMeet









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