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03 Irish TeachMeet organisers

Page history last edited by magsamond 2 years ago

02 Irish TeachMeets calendar

  1. Mags Amond @magsamond

  2. John Heffernan @johnmayo

  3. Conor Galvin @_conorgalvin

  4. Pamela O'Brien @pamelaaobrien

  5. Padraig Ó Dubhaigh @podubhaigh

  6. Helen Bullock @HellBullock

  7. Anne McMurrough @annemmcm

  8. Fred Boss @fboss

  9. Stephen Howell @saorog

  10. Barry Corrigan @MrMalcontent

  11. Heather Watson @he4therw4t5on

  12. Donna Vaughan @medv2

  13. Daithi Murray @daithi

  14. Damien McHugh @dmchugh67

  15. Heather Marshall @hezmar

  16. Amanda Salt @amandasalt

  17. Corinne Leathem @curriculumni

  18. Caitlin Ni Bhroin @katzb21

  19. Ciara Brennan @PrimEdTeacher

  20. Susan Leahy @susanleahy

  21. Sandrine Pac-Kenny @sandrinepk

  22. Bianca Ní Ghrógain (RIP 06/06/2015) @bnighrogain

  23. Susan McCarthy @susancmccarthy

  24. Maggie Green @MaggieMGreen

  25. Fiona Farry @ffarry1

  26. Susan Nic Reamoinn @snicreamoinn

  27.  Leanne Ní Loinsigh @LeanneEdu

  28.  Cara McDermott @caramcdermott

  29. Catherine Fox @cfoxcavan

  30. Tony Riley @tonyrileynz

  31. Breeda Corcoran @breecorcor

  32. Cormac Cahill @cosmic cork

  33. Mary Linehan @maryblinehan

  34. Avril Ronan @avril_ronan

  35. Simon Lewis @simonmlewis

  36. Rozz Lewis @rozzlewis

  37. Nigel Lane @nl_84

  38. Frieda Crehan @friedacrehan

  39. Sarah-Jayne Carey @sjayc

  40. Richard Millwood @richardmillwood

  41. Hassan Dabbagh @hassandabbagh

  42. Vivienne Cuddy @vivian6973

  43. Caroline Harrison @oharrison31

  44. Amanda Mulligan Landzaad @tyyearireland

  45. Niamh McShane @templecarrigschool

  46. Frank Walsh @franktullamore

  47. Máire Ní Bróithe @mairenib

  48. Adrienne Webb @dublinwebb

  49. Catherine Martin

  50. Neil Butler @mrneilbutler

  51.  Duncan McCarthy @duncanmccarthy

  52. Chris Reina @chrisreina

  53. Kathleen O'Reilly @kathleenNiR

  54. Aoife Titley

  55. Leona Forde @leoneforde1

  56. Matthew Martin @MatthewMEnglish

  57. Suzanne Graham @sgraham30

  58. Paul Knox @pauldecnoic

  59. Catriona Lane @catrionalane

  60. Declan Cathcart @dek0H

  61. Niamh O'Rourke

  62. Niamh Martin @niamhmarting1010

  63. Grace Burke @graceenb

  64. Keith Young @young_k

  65. Trish McNeill @trishmcneill1

  66. Amanda Jolliffe @msajolliffe

  67. Gene Mehigan @genemehigan

  68. Edmund Hussey @edmondhussey

  69. Ruth Scannell

  70. Mary Roche @marygtroche

  71. Mairin Glenn @mairinglenn 

  72. Catriona McDonagh

  73. Bernie Sullivan 

  74. Susan Pike

  75. Ruth McManus
  76. Samantha Conroy @runnerconroy
  77. Lyndsey Balfe @lyndseybalfe
  78. Damien @languagesdude
  79. Caoilinn Tighe @CTigheEedu
  80. Aoife Ní Mhaoláin @nimhaolaina7
  81. Kevin Sullivan @kevinsullivan79
  82. Rónán Smith
  83. Lisa Keane
  84. Claire Cooper
  85. David Brennan @brennandavid123
  86. Lisa Darley @kookychemist
  87. Humphrey Jones @humphreyjones 
  88. Julian Girdham @sccEnglish
  89. Mary Jo Bell @7mjb
  90. Tom Farrelly @tomfarrelly
  91. Siún Nic Mhuirí
  92. Colm Keane
  93. Aimée Brennan
  94. Féilte / Teaching Council Ireland @Féilte 
  95. Kilkenny Carlow ETB @KilkennyCarlowETB
  96. John McAliskey @bbcnireland 




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